They emailed me after I put MORE THAN WORDS up for preorder, saying they needed documentation confirming my publishing rights. So I sent off my reversion letter for both MTW and MORE THAN ANYTHING, in case they want to email about that one as well.
I sent this right after they sent their e-mail to me… but no answer. So I don’t know. What the hell happens now? Surely that reversion letter should be enough? I’ve never had this problem before… and it’s freaking me out.
I guess I’ll get the same problem with SCARRED SOULS and INKED SOULS once I put them up for sale again too, then? Annoying is what it is.
At the same time, it’s also good. I reckon it’s of some help against plagiarism? I hope so, anyway.
I also hope it’ll resolve quickly, so my books get up on Amazon. They’ll be Amazon exclusive for 90 days, I’m trying that out this time around. After that we’ll see… First they actually need to get up for sale/preorder.