May was a good month for me! The best month this year, as a matter of fact. In April I wrote 18K, the most so far, but I beat that in May. I wrote a stunningly 38K! Haven’t written that much since last summer/fall. It feels great to finally be back to a higher word count and actually producing something again.
I finished Freefall. Finally! It’s been forever! It didn’t turn out like planned, because a new plan was made. It’s not the traditional HEA or HFN ending, though it’s definitely a HFN for the main person. Just not the couple. You see, there’ll be a sequel. It’ll, probably, be written from the love interest’s POV. This one shall have a happier ending for the romantic storyline. Freefall will be published and I’ll send it off for edits soon, after one more read-through.
I also wrote a 21K novella. It’s, for now, titled Protection. Not sure if I’ll keep it or not. I’m a bit on the fence, but still, it’s the title that popped up and I feel a bit attached. It might be here to stay. This book has already been sent off for edits. I hope to be able to publish it in not too long. It’ll be my first proper self-published titles. (Apparently, according to myself, an erotic short, an f/f fantasy, and two freebies that aren’t free on Amazon, doesn’t count.) I’m real excited about this book!
I started a new blog. It’s separate from my website and blog here. I didn’t want it to be tied to my author persona, though it is a blog about writing. It’s more behind the scenes stuff, though. I share some personal things (about writing in general without promoting my own books, as well as my Spanish Rescue Dog). The majority of the blog will be about the publishing industry (marketing, trad publishing, and self-publishing). It’ll be about organisation and money management. Not to mention books. Other author’s books. Books I’ve read and enjoyed and want to recommend to everyone. I have good faith in this blog.
I wasn’t sure whether to share the link or not, because I want it to stay separate from my author persona, but at the same time I don’t want to keep it a tightly-wrapped secret. The blog is only in it’s beginning stage, but I am rather proud of it. I hope it’ll be a good blog, eventually. I also want to have guest posts on there, rather than on here. For that to happen though, I need to promote it to get some traffic. So I’m starting to promote it here. It’s called Forfatterliv: A Writer’s Life. My pen name is not currently listed on there, but I might share it in the future. As of now, I want to keep these two as separate as possibly. I hope you’ll have a look though, and if you like the content, that you will subscribe to it.
I’ve got two oral exams left. 4th of June and 8th of June. If I pass (which, obviously, I hope I will), I will have a Bachelor in English Language and Literature. I wrote my bachelor on English language, but I’ve also got enough Literature courses to last me a lifetime. If I never have to read that kind of literature again, I would be happy.
It’s been hard. Not the studying itself, but my mental state of mind. It’s been the hardest three years of my life. (Well, okay, maybe not as hard as my two years doing hairdressing, but close.) I am damn proud of myself for sticking it though, though I wanted to give up so many times because of my mental health. I’m glad I didn’t. I’m glad I’ve accomplished this in my life. Now all I want is to actually find a job where I can use my education, but I either have to find work online or move away from my hometown. I plan on moving in the future, but I need to stay here and work to save up some money first.
So yeah. That’s my May update. I haven’t posted on here as much as I’d have liked to, because I’ve been so busy setting up Forfatterliv and my exams and writing. I hope to do better – but I won’t make any promises.