My Goals for December

  1. This_Was_Your_Life_by_RaingardenFinish Wounded Souls (Scarred Souls #5).
  2. Finish Christmas on the Mountain (More Than Anything #1.5).
    1. Post it as free read.
  3. Fix up Lost Souls (Scarred Souls #6).
    1. Finish it.
  4. Start one of these…
    1. More Than Enough (More Than Anything #3).
    2. Untitled (Norwegian Lovesong #1).
  5. Update the blog more often.
  6. Write at least 30K.

My Goals for November


  1. Finish Hometown. ~ HAH! Didn’t even touch this one. 
  2. Start Wounded Souls OR More Than Enough. ~ I started on Wounded Souls
    1. write a good chunk of it. ~ Does 10K count as a good chunk? 
  3. Write a short story titled Mad. ~ Didn’t touch this one either. The inspiration for it evaporated. 
  4. Update the blog more often. ~ I failed every goal this month. I did update the blog, but not often. 
  5. Write at least 30K. ~ Not even close. More like half. I wrote 15K this month. A tragedy. But at least it’s 2K better than last month. 
    1. OR 50K, so I can win NaNoWriMo. ~ AHAHAH. Rolling on the floor laughing at the thought of me even imaging this happening. 

My Goals for October

  1. Finish Lost Souls. ~ Got close to the finish line, only to realise that Josh needs his own book before this. So now Wounded Souls is on again, but didn’t start it. MoreThanAnythingPrint
  2. Write a free short set during Scarred Souls. ~ This I did! A Shattered Soul will be released as a free read. 
  3. Start the Secret Project.
    1. Finish it?
  4. Rewrite Carnal Desires, to be released as a free read? ~ Didn’t even get close to happen. 
  5. Update the blog more often. ~ Failed at this too.
  6. Write 30K. ~ What a horrible month. I only wrote 12K. Worst month ever. -_-

My Goals for September

  1. Write on Wounded Souls. ~ This ended up being scratched, and the scenes written used as part of Lost Soulswriting
    1. Finish it?
  2. Write blog posts for Summer Fever and More Than Anything
  3. Plan out Lost Souls.  
    1. Continue writing on it? ~ I’m so close to finishing it, but got stuck because of depression and other personal reason for the end of the month.
  4. Write a free short set during Scarred Souls.
  5. Rewrite Carnal Desires, to be released as a free read?
  6. Write 30K ~ 43K, despite note writing for a week, so I can’t be too unhappy. 

My goals for August

  1. Write on and finish Wounded Souls ~ I got stuck on this one, but started working on it again at the end of the month. A_glass_of_Water_by_Casslass
    1. Make sure it’s in accordance with Lost Souls, Matt’s novella
  2. Finish self-editing Broken Souls and Imperfect Souls
    1. Submit them
  3. Plan blog tour for More Than Anything ~ Well, not so much a blog tour as a couple of guest posts, but that’s okay!
    1. Write blog posts for it
  4. Finish building the More series website ~ Almost done with this, yeah.
  5. Start Lost Souls, Matt’s novella ~ Started it, but put it on hold when Wounded started talking again
    1. Finish it?
  6. Write at least 30K ~ 33K! Only had one month worse than this this year, and that was January with it’s 29K. But that’s okay, hope to do better next month! 


My goals for July

  1. Finish Broken Souls – 62K! \o/Glass__Little_Heart_by_Raingarden
    1. Write blog posts for it
    2. Send to beta-reader
    3. Get it ready for submission? - In the middle of self-editing it
  2. Write the two shorts at the ending of Inked Souls
    1. Submit Inked Souls – Got the contract too, ebook and print! \o/
  3. Start Imperfect Souls
    1. Finish it? - 45K!
  4. Write blog posts for More Than Anything, Scarred Souls, and Inked Souls
  5. Make teasers for More Than Anything – Started posting them too!
  6. Write at least 30K - I would say this was tripled. Rounded the month off with an astounding 90K!

My goals for June

  1. Glass__Lucent_Heart_by_RaingardenFinish Broken Souls - Didn’t finish it, but it’s close! Only about 10K left to go. 
    1. Write blog posts for it
  2. Plan out the rewrite of Inner Demons and Yesterday’s Tears
    1. Start Josh and Damian’s novel?
    2. Make sure it’s in continuance with Matt’s novella
  3. Write blog posts for More Than Anything, Scarred Souls, and Inked Souls
  4. Go through Inked Souls and get it ready for submission
    1. submit it! - Nope, want to write two shorts to put on at the end of it to show off an important scene later on in Josh and Damian’s relationship. Maybe it’ll even get the book up to print length! 
  5. Post All Tied Up, a free read
  6. Rewrite Carnal Desires, a free read
    1. Post it?
  7. Write at least 30K - 38K isn’t too shabby, considering I went on a 1 week holiday  where I didn’t write a thing!

My goals for May


  1. Finish Troubled Souls (maybe rename to Mixed Souls?) This was put on hiatus, will wait until I write the other books so it’ll fit with the chronology
  2. Start the rewrite of Skin Deep (now titled Inked Souls)
    1. finish it? 35K! Over twice the length of the short story!
    2. write blog posts about it Started, but didn’t finish every post I’d planned
  3. Finish More Than Anything edits
  4. Write blog posts for More Than Anything and Scarred Souls (to be used on blog tours/guest posts upon release) Started on this, but didn’t finish it
  5. Update the blog more often I think I accomplished this this month too, at least in comparison to the other months.
  6. Write at least 30K 58K! Can’t be unhappy about that number!

My goals for April


  1. Write What Family Is For (my Love’s Landscape story) 6K words.
    1. submit it Right on deadline.
  2. Plot out the rewrite of Troubled Souls (rewrite of Maybe Tomorrow) Kind of.
    1. start it 35K in, but now kinda stuck
  3. Finish Hometown
    1. does it need a second part?
    2. Figure out the sequel
  4. Personal edits of More Than Words
    1. hopefully hear from betas this has been accepted for publishing!
  5. Write at least 30K this month 41K!

My goals for March

  1. Finish Hometown Glass__Lucent_Heart_by_Raingarden
    1. Add a second part?
  2. Read through More Than Words
    1. Personal edits
  3. Write more on More Than Me
    1. 2K
    2. 5K
  4. Plot out the rewrite of Maybe Tomorrow
    1. Start it?
  5. Start the secret rewrite Not only did I start it, I finished it at 63K!
  6. Write at least 30K this month I wrote over 70K this month!

Got so immersed in the secret rewrite that nothing else happened writing-wise this month. Oh well, April’s a new month, for new goals!