I made covers for the ARCTIC LOVE series, for the one I wasn’t supposed to rewrite, but the one I suddenly find myself wanting to rewrite. Or Varg’s story anyway, as I mentioned in an earlier post that I wanted to do some changes and have Varg and Jonathan as the main couple of the series.
These changes means new characters, getting rid of some of the old ones, and bringing in characters from that other series. I’ve got major plans, but I don’t want to spoil them, so I don’t feel I can say much.
But saying that Varg and Jonathan will be the main couple isn’t much of a spoiler. The newest books (NORTHERN SKIES and BLACK SUN) will stay as they are, except to update them with changes I make to the first book. And BLACK SUN will have a new title. Yes, I know, why do I keep doing such confusing things?!
Anyway. I made covers. Right now I’m happy with them, but we’ll see what I feel by the time I’ve actually rewritten the first book and am ready to release all three. There’s one thing I might add, and that’s a number to show which book is which (1-3) as the covers are quite similar.
Any thought? Please tell me what you think!