Pretty, isn’t it?
Or… well. I don’t think pretty’s the right word. It’s a fit body.
But why is the novella getting a new cover, you ask? Well… you see. I needed the stock model for the old cover for a novel length story. For the second part of MORE THAN WORDS. The first book has Alex on it, and I needed Andreas for the second book, LOUDER THAN WORDS.
Now, I only had one stock photo of Andreas, so I had to steal the one from NO RIGHT WORDS. Since NRW is a short novella, and a retelling of the first part of MTW from Andreas’ POV, I figured a fit body would do nicely. Alex and Andreas do have a lot of sex.
So yeah.
That’s it.
I’m going to update all files ASAP and get it all uploaded to various sites. Well, three sites. Still, it’s work, and I’m busy busy busy writing over here. I’m on a roll, so I need to continue on it until I finish this book. Shouldn’t be long, I’m only going through it and adding some stuff here, whilst deleting some stuff there.
Also, the novella’s going to be bumped down to the neat price of $0.99 soon. Likely forever. From June 1st, is my plan. As I’m self-publishing the other books from June and onwards, and they’re going to be priced from $3.99 to $4.99, there’s no use having the novella up there at $2.99. So mark your calendars!
(Or not, because I’m not always reliable. I’ve got the memory of a goldfish. Just warning you.)