Trying out KU again

AL05-06-VargJonathanI’ve decided to put Northern Skies, Dangerous Wilds, Black Sun, and the bundle Arctic Love: Varg & Jonathan into KU for 90 days. They weren’t selling on ARe or Smashwords, so I thought what the heck. And now it’s done. They’re enrolled.

I’ve also put the novellas and short story on free promotion, starting tomorrow with Northern Skies. They’re being offered for free for five days each.

This means that from May 13 to May 17, Northern Skies will be free. From May 18 to May 22 it’s Dangerous Wilds. And from May 23 to May 27 it’s Black Sun. Arctic Love: Varg & Jonathan will be available for a Kindle Countdown Deal from June 12 to June 19.

I’ll get back to this though, to remind everyone closer to the date. Maybe even with some graphics! We’ll see.

Also, if you plan on reading the original series, book 1 to 4, you need to buy them soon – because after May 31 they won’t be available anymore. I get my rights back and I won’t publish them right away, because I need to rewrite them.

So if you want those books, you have some left to get them. They’re even at 40% off from LT3 until the end of the month!

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